Nothing can be more soothing than the expanses of perfectly arranged greens before your home. However, choosing the right grass for your turf can be quite challenging. This task is easy if you assign it to an experienced turf professional. They are the ones who will help you to get the lawn of your dreams. Following are some helpful pointers in this regard.
Be clear on the intended purpose of your turf
You need to be clear on the intended purpose of your lawn- whether it is to heighten the curb appeal of your home, for entertaining or relaxing purposes, or as a play area. You need to give all your requirements and information to the turf professional to decide on the type of turf supplies. Relevant information to be given will pertain to:
Traffic expected on the turf
Your preference of colour for the turf grass
Budget available for maintenance of the turf or any other he may ask
Perform analysis of the landscape and inventory
The grass species chosen for your turf in Sydney has to be perfect, as an inappropriate choice will prove too costly for you. The turf professional will conduct a site walk to analyse the landscape and inventory. Landscape analysis and inventory noting includes:
Identifying limitations and prospects offered by the site
Existing turf condition and plants and shrubs on the site
Need for removal or pruning of trees
Wind patterns
Existing shade or sun availability
The extent of water availability
The slope of the area
Markings of traffic flow on the site
Analysis of soil type; a soil test may also be conducted
Soil testing is an important aspect of this step, as the soil’s pH will determine the health of your grass. Accordingly, the best fit of turf supplies can be sourced by the turf professional. Sourcing from a reliable turf supplier in Sydney is important. Your turf professional will guide you in this regard.
Determining Target Maintenance Levels
Varied grass species require varying levels of maintenance based on their distinct features. Based on your requirements and observations during the site walk, the turf professional will give you an idea about the maintenance costs involved for your turf in Sydney. Maintenance costs are categorized into:
High Maintenance
Medium Maintenance
Low Maintenance
Very low Maintenance
Key features that distinguish grass species from one another
Every grass species has distinct features. Some features that you need to consider when selecting your turf in Sydney include:
Grass hues: Grass hues range from darker shades of green to light greens.
Density: The denser the grass per unit area, the greater the carpet looks to your lawn.
Uprightness: Greater the uprightness of grass; for example, tall fescue, greater is the need for mowing while grass growing along the surface of soil requires a lesser need for mowing.
Shade, cold, heat tolerance: Refers to the ability of the grass species to withstand and survive in heat, cold temperatures, and shade.
Efficiency in the use of nutrients and water: Nutrient and water use efficiency of grass species differ based on the intensity of use, wear and tear of the turf, and also on the inherent characteristics of the species.
Drought and disease resistance: Genetic makeup of grasses in most cases determines their resistance to disease and drought.
Budget: Budget is an important parameter when selecting your turf variety. Some grass may have high initial cost, but may be long lasting, while some varieties may not lend the beauty your turf needs. It is best to trust a professional to help you choose the right turf supplies.
There is no magic grass that has it all. As one of the most experienced and professional turf suppliers in Sydney, Acelandscapes will understand your turf requirements and suggest grass varieties that best meet your requirements.